Causes of Anxiety in Relationships

There are very serious issues that cause anxiety and much less serious issues that can cause anxiety. Yet all anxiety is a struggle, and when you find yourself with relationship anxiety it’s something that you want to cure. Some of the universal causes of relationship anxiety include:

Loss of Trust: In Relationship Future

Easily the most common cause of anxiety is uncertainty about the future of the relationship. This can come from lots of fights, or it can come from previous breakups, or it can come from growing distant. No matter the cause, when that trust that the relationship is going to work out is lost, the uncertainty can cause a lot of anxiety as you become unsure of what to do with your life.

Loss of Trust: General

Of course, a general loss of trust is also a problem, after things like infidelity or less serious issues like forgetting to run important errands around the home. Trust is a very important part of a relationship, and if the trust is gone it can be very hard to build it back natural.

Fight Eggshells

Fighting often is a problem. But the problem isn’t just that fights involve anger – it’s also this general feeling of worry that you’re going to fight again. This worry can cause significant anxiety because you become too afraid to do anything around the home since you are worried another fight will happen at any moment.


Relationships that are struggling also involve a lot of negativity. Rarely are the two of you as supportive and friendly as you once were to each other. Even your playful jokes become negative, and often most words you say are criticisms or use an unfriendly tone. Constant negativity and negative thinking appear to cause anxiety and, while it’s not clear exactly how, it’s a very big problem.


Of course, perhaps the most over-arching reason that relationship anxiety is common in struggling relationships is that of long-term stress. Usually the stress develops over time, and long-term stress is known without a doubt to cause anxiety – it can even cause anxiety disorders. So when you’re in a tense relationship and you feel tense all the time, it’s not uncommon to show symptoms of anxiety not only in your relationship but out of it as well.

Anxiety Manifestations

These are only the basic reasons that anxiety in relationships is common, and clearly not the only ones, but you can see where it becomes a big issue. Those that have relationship anxiety often start to have the same symptoms of anxiety disorders, for example:

– Shaking
– Insomnia
– Muscle tension
– Feelings of depression
– Sweating

Very often this anxiety bleeds into other areas of the person’s life, which is why in a way, it’s not relationship anxiety anymore. It may be an anxiety disorder that was simply caused by a troubled relationship.

How to Stop Relationship Anxiety

Relationships are incredibly complicated. There are two things that you have to ask yourself in the beginning, long before you can expect to fix your relationship:

Is the relationship worth saving?

Are you willing to change yourself even without your partner changing?

The first question is self-explanatory. Not every relationship is worth saving, no matter how long you’ve been together. It may sound cliché, but breakups are actually an important part of relationships. If we assume that the point of any relationship is to be with one person that always makes you happy, then you always have to remember that the person you’re with may not be the right person for you.

The second question, however, is based on one simple truth about relationships: you can only change yourself. Despite all the ways you plead with your partner to improve, you can’t be the one to change them. Only they can change them. Your role, then, is to try to be the best partner you can be and as open as possible, and then hope that it motivates them to change as well.

Ways to Control Relationship Anxiety

With that in mind, controlling your relationship anxiety has more to do with you than it does with them, and you can’t expect them to contribute. The following are basic strategies for making sure your relationship can heal:

Exercise and Other Anxiety Reduction Strategies – First and foremost, anxiety is still anxiety, and that means that effective anxiety reduction strategies can help control the way you feel. Exercise is the easiest one to integrate into your life right now. There is a lot of evidence that exercise is as powerful as most anxiety medications for controlling anxiety symptoms.

Starting Over – If the trust is gone, talk to your partner about starting over completely and dating as though you’d never been together. Trust is about building a foundation and needs to be grown from the ground up. You need to stick with it though. If after a few weeks things are getting better, it’s still too soon to say the trust is back. You don’t want to fall back into old habits.

Exchanging Needs – Have a conversation with your partner about each other’s needs. Write them down as well to make sure you both know what they are. Then, do your best to do everything your partner wants, provided it doesn’t hurt your morals. Don’t expect them to do any of your list – just give them what they’ve asked for and be the best partner you can be. Often you’ll find they’ll be motivated to improve themselves as well. If they’re not after a month or so, chances are they may not want to.

Staying Mentally Busy – Being busy in relationships can be difficult, but something that is known to improve the mood of the relationship is to stay mentally busy. Often you’ll find that your mind is your enemy in relationships, as you imagine fighting with your partner. So keep your mind off your relationship as much as possible by doing outdoor activities, watching TV, going on dates, and so on. This decreases the way your mind can wander into negative emotions.

Be Physically Affectionate – Touching and holding, even when you’re mad at the other person, is very calming. It’s one of the reasons that successful couples often hug after a long and hard day. Try to be more physically affectionate for a while, even when you’re mad at them so that it sends that relaxing reminder that you and your partner aren’t going anywhere.